WWW Usage Parameter Values

WWWURLURLcodebase + www_transfersURL to get access log
skipXint0number of lines to skip in X direction for grid
skipYint1number of lines to skip in Y direction for grid
showGridbooleantrueshow the bloody grid
pieSlicesint10number of pie slices to show for pie chart
legendFontNameStringHelveticaName of font to use for legends
legendFontBoldbooleantrueto bold or not to bold
legendFontItalicbooleantrueslant or no slant
legendFontSizeint10size of legend text
backGroundColorint int int255 255 240color of graph background
graphColorint int int255 0 0color of the lines/borders in the graphs
legendColorint int int0 0 0color of text for legends
gridColorint int int0 0 240color of grid lines for lines graph
filterFilesbooleantrueapply filtering to file names
filterSitesbooleantrueapply filtering to site/domains
fileFiltersString, String, ....gif, .jpg, .jpeg, www_transfers, .class, .csscomma separated list of filter strings
siteFiltersString, String, ...nonecomma separated list of filter strings
filtersString, String, ....gif, .jpg, .jpeg, www_transfers, .class, .csscomma separated list of filter strings. Deprecated
sortLogbooleanfalsesort transfers log into chronological order
logFormatStringcombinedformat of log file. [combined|common] Note
showAccessesbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showDomainsbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showSitesbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showRFC931booleantrueshow this type of graph
showAuthUserbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showItemsbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showUserAgentsbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showKBytesbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showReferersbooleantrueshow this type of graph
showCodesbooleantrueshow this type of graph
displayint int intnoneset options on start. Note
hideControlPanelbooleanfalsehide Control Panel
hideStatusFieldbooleanfalsehide Status Field
collapseItemsString String .. String, String String .. Stringnonecollapse items into one. Note
categorizeUAbooleanfalsecategorize User Agents. Note
interfaceFontNameStringDialogfont to use for interface
interfaceFontSizeint10size of font to use for interface

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Last updated on Saturday, November 15, 1997.
$Id: parameterValues.html,v 1.3 1997/12/07 21:07:40 bereza Exp bereza $

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