collapseItems Note

collapseItems is a string in the format of "name1 item1 ... itemN, ..., nameN item1 ... itemN" where nameX can be anything, and item1 ... itemN is a list of items which should be considered as nameX when making the statistics.


  1. You have a directory /stuff/ which is the same as /stuff/index.html You'd obviously like both to be counted the same, so you'd have a param tag like:
    <param name="collapseItems" value="/stuff/ /stuff/index.html">
  2. You have some private/password protected files, and you don't want other to know the specific file names, but you would like to see statistics for them:
    <param name="collapseItems" value="private /priv/top_secret.shtml /priv/confidential.html">
  3. A combination of the last two examples:
    <param name="collapsItems" value="/stuff/ /stuff/index.html, private /priv/top_secret.shtml /priv/confidential.html">

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