My Research

During the summer of 1995 I was doing research on using distributed objects with genetic algorithms, using the NextStep systems in the EOS lab at GVSU. I was working with Dr. Carl Erickson through the Summer Under graduate Research Program (SURP).


In April, 1996, I presented some of my research at NCUR-10 at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. The title of my NCUR presentation was Resource Scheduling with Distributed Genetic Objects. This covered the work I did with a generic GA Obj-C class library, and the classroom scheduling problem. The results were very exciting, and I looked forward to presenting it.

I have a lot of material from six months of research, and preparing for NCUR gave me the chance to put (almost) everything in order.

I have also presented material from my SURP project at the 1996 GVSU Winter Math & Science Colloquium.


I've written two papers describing this research. One paper was submitted to NCUR, and he other is a technical report describing the project in detail.

These papers were converted from an old NextStep word processor format into HTML, so they may look odd when loaded. I've tried to include Postscript version where possible.

Resource Scheduling with Distributed Genetic Objects

This is the paper that I submitted to NCUR. It was reviewed at the conference, so this may not be the final version.


Technical Aspects of Distributed Genetic Objects

This technical report will be used by anyone who wants all the details of the research, and how to use the software. Since another student has a grant to continue with what I started, this report is necessary.

Work on the report is still in progress. When I get this report finished, I will also try to have the software here.


Research Results

At the end of the project I will be placing some of my results here.

Some of the things I've been working on are:

I plan on having pictures, animations and source code available. I am also planning on allowing anyone to run the Artificial Plants software and have it connected to our running distributed environment (through NeXTStep DO.)

Research Related Pages

  • Nova Genetica
  • IlliGAL Home Page
  • Karl Sim's Virtual Creatures

  • Go to Bill's Bereza's Home of Programming, Info and Art

    Bill Bereza /

    Last Updated on August 23, 1997

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