My Equipment

... and my philosophy about it.

I don't think that the equipment you use matters at all as long as you can create the kind of pictures you want. And I know that good equipment won't make good pictures on it's own. It all depends on what you do with the stuff, which is why sometimes I'll have a 6x6 SLR and other times I'll use a Lomo Smena. It all depends on the mood you're in, and whether you're having fun. That's all that matters.

But like most humans, I like to show off the things I own, so I'll list here the different equipment I've used. However, I don't always keep good records of which pictures were made by what equipment. (Actually, never.) This stuff isn't just a collection. Everything listed here has been and will be used by me. I do have other cameras that I haven't been able to use yet, and they won't be listed here. The fact that I've listed some camera here is not an endorsement, and I'm not saying that you need these things to take pictures like mine. (As if you would want to take pictures like mine.) But if you want to talk about something listed here, I'll be glad to. Since I'll take a picture with anything that holds film, I may have used something you've never heard of, and I'd be happy to tell you about it.

And now let us begin the display...


Hmm, I've added so many things to this page that I needed this table of contents to get through it quickly.


Motion Picture (film)

Here are some motion picture cameras I have actually used. I own a few more that I've never used.

Large Format

Ok, I haven't had the chance to do any large format yet, but I'll probably be getting a 4x5 one of these days. Or maybe build my own 8x10. The reason? The ability to do all the Scheimpelflug(sp) stuff to give me absolute control over the entire camera.

Medium Format

Small Format


Light Meters



That's all Folks!

I hope you've enjoyed my useless cavalcade of information about the equipment I own and use. The most important thing I can say is that just collecting cameras is evil! A camera is made to take pictures. If it isn't doing that, then you may as well throw it away. I'd rather see a rare Leica get destroyed because someone dropped it in the ocean while using it than see a Leica sitting in some sterile glass cabinet. Unuse is an abuse to photographic equipment!

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