
This document will describe some elements for HTML and/or XML which I'll be working on for my new browser, pedantiWEB. My hope would be that these elements could be added to some future HTML standard, or become part of a standard XML DTD. These elements listed here should be tought of as just suggestions for possible inclusion in some standard.

I started with a post made by Abigail in the ciwah newsgroup about her ideas of what a perfect DTD for HTML would be. From then I've also worked with ideas from Jukka Korpela's critical review of the HTML 4.0 draft.


$Log: dtd.html,v $
Revision 1.9  1997/12/20 22:47:14  bereza

Revision 1.8  1997/12/20 17:38:35  bereza

Revision 1.7  1997/12/12 16:36:24  bereza
added copyright statement

Revision 1.6  1997/12/10 16:17:46  bereza
fixed typos. added harangue

Revision 1.5  1997/12/10 07:02:00  bereza
Added elements and KEY definition from Jukka Korpela's review of HTML 4.0
Modified the definition for HEADING
Added FOOTNOTE and ENDNOTE elements

Revision 1.4  1997/12/08 20:10:50  bereza
added CHAPTER element

Revision 1.3  1997/12/08 20:01:24  bereza
added LOG directly to file

revision 1.2
date: 1997/12/08 20:00:04;  author: bereza;  state: Exp;  lines: +8 -2
revision 1.1
date: 1997/12/07 20:58:20;  author: bereza;  state: Exp;
Initial revision

The new elements


SENTENCE marks up a single sentence.


WORD signifies an individual word.


PHRASE is a piece text, usually more than one word but less than a sentence.


QUESTION is a sentence which signifies a question being asked. Usually signified with a question mark (?) of some sort in some languages.


EXCLAMATION is an exclamatory sentence usually signified by an exclamation point (!) in some languages.


A CHAPTER contains a set of SECTIONs. SECTION signifies a different section of a document. Sub-sections can be signified by nesting of SECTION elements. HEADING is an element which can be inside many elements to signify a heading or title for that element. Note: Should HEADING be HEADER?


NAME signifies the name of some thing.


<P><SENTENCE>My dog's name is <NAME>Rusty</NAME>.


PERSON signifies a specific human being. PERSON is different than NAME, because PERSON is an instance of one human, while NAME can be a generic name. PLACE signifies a location in which something can be placed. THING signifies any thing which has a physical existence.


<P> <SENTENCE><PERSON>Albert Einstein</PERSON> was a great scientist. <SENTENCE><NAME>Albert</NAME> is my cat. <P> <SENTENCE>My <THING>keys</THING> are in my <PLACE>pocket</PLACE>.


AUTHOR signifies the PERSON who wrote some document being referred to.


ROOM signifies a specific room in some building. BUILDING is the name or designation of some building. STREET signifies the name of a street or road. CITY is a city or town. NATION is a country or nation-state. PLANET is the name of some planet.

All of these could also be thought of as specific types of PLACEs.

Combining the ROOM, BUILDING, STREET, CITY, NATION, PLANET elements should give you a complete ADDRESS.


ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, CREDITS, EPILOGUE, BIBLIOGRAPHY and GLOSSARY are all different sections in a document.


PUBLISHER is the person or entity which publishes some document being referred to. In the case of print media, this would be a publishing house. For electronic media, this could be a person, a web site name or an organization name.


DATE marks up some text of some sort that refers to a date.


EXAMPLE signifies an example or demonstration of something.


POEM signifies a piece of poetic writing.


ACTION signifies a word which denotes an action of some kind.


<P> <SENTENCE><PERSON>I</PERSON> <ACTION>ran</ACTION> to the <THING>car</THING> and <ACTION>kicked</ACTION> in the <THING>window</THING>.


KEY is a key word or key phrase. Should probably be used in conjunction with the WORD or PHRASE elements.

indicates a key word or phrase, typically one which shows what a paragraph discusses; notice that KEY is intended just to indicate visually or audibly that something is important whereas IMP can make it important, often changing the tone or even the meaning of a statement; an indexer would probably pay a lot of attention to KEY but perhaps ignore ATT!


NUMBER is a container for anything which represents a number. A UA could use this to do some locale-specific formatting of the number, or even represent the number as words. A talking browser could say the number as words.


PARENTHETICAL marks a section of text as being a parenthetical phrase. This is, in some languages, signified by parentheses'. I really like using these things (sometimes too often), and I wish there was something in HTML to markup these things. (I don't believe there is any similar element already in existence.)


FOOTNOTE marks up some text as being a footnote.


ENDNOTE marks up some text as being a footnote.

Korpela elements

The following elements are based on elements suggested in Jukka Korpela's critical review of the HTML 4.0 draft. The definition are copied directly from that document.


indicates opposition or contrast with information given in a nearby element; would replace EM e.g. in

The OPP element is <EM>logical</EM> markup as opposite to <EM>physical</EM> markup such as the I element or the <EM>pseudo-logical</EM> EM element.


indicates warning


summarizes the essential contents of preceding text


"headline", summarizing the essential contents of text to follow


emphasizes a word or phrase, suggesting that the reader (or listener) should pay special attention to it when reading a statement; this comes closest to "plain emphasis" that one can imagine but it has the specific feature of making a common word (even a word like "a") important in a context


indicates suggestion or proposal (often presented after a lengthy introduction and discussion); in one bureaucratic style of presentation, such things are indicated by a ./. mark in a margin, but Web browsers could use much more advanced methods of making proposals look prominent


draws conclusions, such as presenting what is considered as proved (this is not the same thing as a summary, since a summary may also include short presentation of the basic line of the reasoning)

Go to pedantiWEB, a GPL, Java web browser

Bill Bereza -

$Date: 1997/12/20 22:47:14 $

$Id: dtd.html,v 1.9 1997/12/20 22:47:14 bereza Exp bereza $

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